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Event Date(s): 
Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 19:30

 Quiz Night at The Three Crowns, High Road Bushey, WD23 1EA. Thursday 25 July 2024

Do come and join us for a really fun quiz.  There are tables for a maximum of 6 persons per team. Don't worry if you are alone we will find a group for you.  Cost £5 per person to be paid in advance.  Drinks/food available at the bar for you to purchase. 

Please make sure you buy a drink, we use their premises free of charge and they only ask for a nominal amount for providing the quiz - all of which is donated to charity.   

Quiz start time 7.30 so suggest an earlier arrival.  The quiz is solely for NWJS  

Booking is essential.   To book and pay for your place please email Michelle: bushey.nwjs@gmail.com  Next quiz Thursday 25 July 2024  

We would like to thank The Three Crowns for their very generous donation on behalf of NWJS to Magen David Adom

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